Foundation ~
- 1974.12
・Shelter Home Co., Ltd. was established in Sagae City, Yamagata Pref.
・The head office building (KES Prototype) was completed. It was the first wooden building in Japan constructed by the metal joinery hardware construction method.
- 1979.5
KES Prototype was patented and registered as a utility model (for the first time as a joinery hardware construction method in Japan).

KES Prototype
- 1982.9
Kazuyoshi Kimura became President.
- 1987.4
Kazuyoshi Kimura was awarded the Honorary Citizenship of Tacoma City, USA.
- 1987.11
The first house by the KES system was completed.
- 1988.12
Started recruiting franchise companies of KES system.
1990 ~
- 1990.3
Acquired the “1st Wooden Home Rationalization System” certification from the Ministry of Construction (for the first time as a joinery hardware construction method in Japan).
- 1991.3
KES system granted patents in Canada and the U.S.
- 1992.8
Acquired confirmation of a 3-story wooden apartment building for the first time in Japan.
- 1993.9
Tokyo Sales Office was established.
- 1994.1
New CAD/CAM Pre-cut Timber factory was completed.
- 1995.5
KES system obtained a patent in Japan.
- 1995.10
Received “Tohoku Bureau of International Trade and Industry Director’s Award” from the Ministry of International Trade and Industry (currently Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry).
- 1997.4
Head Office was relocated to Yamagata City and corporate name was changed to Shelter Co., Ltd.

Shelter Head Office
- 1997.7
Developed and commercialized the new construction system “NEXT”, the wooden Rahmen structure system “WIDE”, and Full Panel “JUST”.
- 1998.3
Received “Regional Revitalization Contributing Company Award” from the National Land Agency (currently the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism).
- 1998.7
Acquired Rationalization system certification for NEXT, WIDE, and STANDARD systems.
- 1998.10
Shelter Head Office building received “Good Design Award”.
- 1999.7
Started exporting KES system to the U.S. Houses and churches that adopted the KES system were built in the United States.
- 1999.9
1st annual Tohoku Region Students Architectural Design Competition was held (currently Shelter International Architectural Design Competition for Students).
- 2000.9
New concept, “f-style” was announced.
- 2001.7
Acquired ISO9001 certification (quality management system).
- 2002.2
Acquired S Mark Certification of Metal Joinery Hardware Performance for Wooden Building.
- 2002.7
Developed the wooden 2-way Rahmen construction system “KES1 (ONE)”.
- 2003.7
・Developed the Zero-Energy House “KES ZERO”.
・Formed a business alliance with Häring AG of Switzerland.
- 2004.4
Acquired ISO4001 certification (environmental management system).
- 2004.7
Achieved 10,000 houses by KES system.
- 2004.11
Received the “Yamagata Branch Chief Award” of the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation for the KES system.
- 2006.7
Introduced the new CAM to the Pre-cut Timber factory.
- 2009.4
Selected as one of the “Top 300 SMEs in Craftsmanship” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
- 2009.8
Obtained a patent for wooden fireproof materials.
- 2010.3
Received the “Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award, Science and Technology Award, Technology Category” for the KES system.
- 2010.11
・Received the “Yamagata Pref. Industry Award.”
・Yamagata Pref. timber distribution base was established in the Shelter Pre-cut Timber Factory.
- 2010.12
Acquired FSC®/CoC certification FSC®-C103906.
- 2011.1
Received a letter of appreciation from the Director-General of the Forestry Agency in the Wood Use Movement, Domestic Timber Utilization Promotion Division.
- 2011.3
Architect Shigeru Ban, Tohoku University of Art and Design, and Shelter Co., Ltd. jointly set up “partition system for evacuation centers” in various parts of Tohoku Region. (Project to Support the Victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake)
- 2012.5
Received the “Award for Distinguished Service in Disseminating Wooden Fireproof Buildings” by Japan Wooden Housing Industry Association.
- 2012.8
HOME-FOR-ALL in Rikuzentakata won the “Golden Lion Award” at the Venice Biennale International Architecture Exhibition.
- 2013.5
Started development activities for “Shelter Forest” owned by Shelter.
- 2013.6
Fireproof wood material “COOL WOOD” acquired 1-hour fire-resistance certification from the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
- 2014.2
Acquired SGEC/CoC certification.
- 2014.3
Donated the digital globe “Touchable Earth” to the Yamagata Museum of Science and Technology as a project to commemorate the 40th anniversary of Shelter’s founding.
- 2014.6
Received the “Governor’s Award” at the Environmental Conservation Promotion Award from the Yamagata Prefectural Environmental Conservation Council.
- 2014.11
Fireproof wood material “COOL WOOD” (columns and beams) acquired 2-hour fire-resistance certification by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
- 2014.12
Fireproof wood material “COOL WOOD” (partition wall) acquired 2-hour fire-resistance certification by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
- 2015.3
・Nanyo-City Cultural Center in Yamagata Pref. was completed.
・Developed and introduced 3D wood processing technology.
- 2015.12
Nanyo-City Cultural Center (main hall) was certified as the Guinness World Record “Largest Wooden Concert Hall”.
- 2016.3
The “Kyoto Wood Hall”, a 4-story wooden building that adopted the 2-hour fireproof COOL WOOD for the first time in Japan, was completed.
- 2016.11
Fireproof wood material “COOL WOOD” (outside wall) acquired 2-hour fire-resistance certification by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
- 2016.12
Acquired naming rights for the Nanyo-City Cultural Center in Yamagata Pref., nicknamed “Shelter Nanyo Hall” (from April 1, 2017). - 2017.2
COOL WOOD obtained a patent in Switzerland.
- 2017.3
・COOL WOOD obtained a patent in Canada.
・Fireproof wood material “COOL WOOD” (floors) acquired 2-hour fire-resistance certification by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
- 2017.9
Opened Sendai Branch Office.
- 2017.11
FREE STYLE WOOD was introduced.
- 2017.12
Fireproof wood material “COOL WOOD” (columns and beams) acquired 3-hour fire-resistant certification by the Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
- 2018.1
Received “Prosperity Award” at the 61st Annual Yamashin 3P Awards sponsored by Yamagata Newspaper and Yamagata Broadcasting.
- 2018.2
Shelter’s business and technology were introduced at NHK World.
- 2018.3
Japan’s first 5-story pure wooden building was completed in Niigata-City by adopting 2-hour fireproof COOL WOOD (partition wall / outside wall).
- 2018.10
・Received the “Tohoku Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry Director’s Award” at the 2018 Regional Invention Awards sponsored by the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation.
・Received the “Grand Prize” and “Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award” at the 6th Platinum Awards.
- 2018.11
Received the “Minister of the Environment Award” in the technology development and commercialization category of the 2018 Global Warming Prevention Activity Award.
- 2019.4
・Received the 31st SME Excellent New Technology / New Product Award.
・Received the “Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award, Distinguished Service Award for Ingenuity” for FREE STYLE WOOD.
- 2019.8
Completed Japan’s first 5-story wooden government building “Nagato City Hall, Yamaguchi Pref.”.
- 2020.3
Kazuyoshi Kimura became Chairman of the Board (and thereby retiring as president) and the Board of Directors named Yoshihiro Kimura to serve as President and CEO.
- 2020.4
Received the “Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Award, Science and Technology Award, Technology Category” for COOL WOOD.
- 2021.2
・COOL WOOD won the “Best Award” in the 2020 Nikkei Excellent Product and Service Award.
・Won the Forbes JAPAN SMALL GIANTS AWARD 2021 “Tohoku / Hokkaido Regional Award”.
・Completed Japan’s first pure wooden 7-story building “Takasou Mokkou Building”, in Sendai City.
- 2021.6
Received the “Excellence Award” at the 48th Environmental Awards.
- 2021.10
・Takasou Mokkou Building received the “Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award” at Wood Utilization Excellent Facility Contest 2021.
・Minaka Odawara received “Good Design Award 2021”.